The Most Challenging Recipes in the World
For many of us, cooking is a hobby, passion or even a means of livelihood. The sheer sensation of preparing your favorite recipe with the right ingredients feels great, but what if we tell you that some dishes are nearly impossible to master. Read on to know about the most challenging recipes in the world.
6. Baked Alaska:
Ice cream cakes are never easy to make, but Baked Alaska is simply too difficult to even try. First you need to build a mold of ice cream around the cake, then cover it with meringue and finally bake it for an exact duration. After many hours of assembling and freezing, liquor is poured over caramelized meringue which is then ignited. This dessert is loved across the world, and the Americans love it so much that they declared February 1 as Baked Alaska Day.
5. Soufflé:
In French, the name of this egg-based baked recipe literally means “to puff up”. The hardest part in making this beautiful and light dish is whisking air into the egg whites so that it rises inside the oven and does not collapse afterwards. To achieve this, the egg whites have to beaten precisely for four minutes, at almost 180 beats per minute. Over beating causes the Soufflé to break (once it is baked) and the chocolaty liquid to seep out.
4. Croissants:
These flaky, buttery pastries are found on every breakfast table across France. Their preparation involves working the dough slowly and patiently and resting it intermittently, to get the perfect croissant. Any hurry in mixing the dough can result in a thick, tasteless pastry.
3. Turducken:
Also known as Three Bird Roast, this recipe is prepared by stuffing a deboned chicken inside a deboned duck which is further stuffed inside a partially-deboned turkey. The hardest part in making Turducken is removing the birds’ bones without damaging the skin. Then, the birds are to be stuffed with great care and cooked slowly for 14 to 16 hours at 150 degrees Fahrenheit. The end product is a roasted mega-bird that dances across your taste buds.
2. Consommé:
This is a clear soup prepared from meat, egg whites, tomatoes and bouillon. The mixture is slowly simmered so that the fat and other sediments rise to the surface for skimming. Though most chefs attempt to prepare Consommé, only the most experienced ones can master the clarification process.
1. Beef Wellington:
It is a preparation of fillet steak coated with mushrooms and pate, wrapped in a puff pastry. The steak is to be coated with flour and fried in oil till it turns brown. Then, it is slow-cooked in onion, garlic, mushrooms and some red wine, before it is covered with puff pastry and baked. While preparing the Beef Wellington, you must ensure that the beef is red in the middle and the pastry is crispy and golden brown. This, along with the wrapping process, makes the dish too hard for the inexperienced ones.
Although these dishes are difficult to make, they taste like heaven. Exotic food, along with loads of gambling fun at your favorite casino, is what dreams are made of.